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Terminology Submission Instructions

The Nutrition Care Process Research Outcomes Committee (NCPROC) welcomes submissions to the eNCPT. Practitioner participation in the terminology maintenance process is important for reflecting the current state of dietetics and nutrition practice and research. We look forward to working with you.

Submission Process Summary

Term submissions are reviewed semi-annually by the Terminology Workgroup (TWG) of the NCPROC for completeness using a checklist for the appropriate Nutrition Care Process step: These checklists serve as an integral tool in developing the content of the submission. Complete submissions are forwarded to the Classification Workgroup (CWG). CWG will determine if the submitted term or synonym exists in terminologies such as SNOMED-CT or LOINC. Incomplete submissions will be returned by TWG to the submitter with advice directed toward resubmission. After CWG review, terms are returned to TWG to review the merit of term in practice or research of dietetics. Merit is defined as essential or unique to dietetics and nutrition. For example, terms may:
  • Come from new or anticipated care settings and technologies or implementation of evidence based practice guidelines.
  • Improve the specificity of an existing term.
  • Enhance the NCP.
Term submissions with merit and currently listed in a taxonomy will be recommended by the TWG to the NCPROC for inclusion in eNCPT. Terms with merit and without an existing term in eNCPT will likely be forwarded to a terminology expert for review. Based on the expert consultant's review, TWG will recommend action by the NCPROC. Terms without merit are unlikely to be included in the eNCPT. The submitter and the NCPROC are informed of a submission’s progress at decisive stages of the review process:

Only one term per submission please. Use separate forms for additional term submissions.

Submission Components

The required components for a submission include the type of submission, which terminology is the focus of the submission, the specific term label and definition, defining characteristics, its use in a case scenario, and a concept analysis. Submitters are also invited to provide any comments that may useful to the Committee.

Terminology Submission Instructions

Submission of recommended additions, changes, or deletions of Nutrition Assessment/Monitoring and Evaluation, Nutrition Diagnosis, and/or Nutrition Intervention terminology must be made by downloading, completing, and submitting the appropriate form below.  Upon clicking the proper link below, click the "Download & Print" button and a copy of the document will be saved to your computer.  Please submit completed Terminology Submission Forms to [email protected]. A summary of the various submission requirements is highlighted within the table below:
Section Submission Requirements
Submitter Contact Details Required
Submission Type Required
References 2 Minimum Required
Label Required
Definition Required
Defining Characteristics 2 Minimum Required
Terminology Specific Criteria
  • Nutrition assessment/monitoring and evaluation: None
  • Nutrition diagnosis: Related factors or etiology
  • Nutrition intervention: Other considerations
Case Examples Using All Steps and eNCPT
Up to 3 cases illustrating use of the new term with the existing relevant terms
Up to 3 Required
Concept Analysis
A narrative review of relevant literature, culminating in a written concept analysis
Comments Optional

Contact Us

If you have ideas about a term submission and need help with the process or resources on our website, please contact us via email at [email protected].  Please submit completed Terminology Submission Forms to [email protected].